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RDV LEW #1 morning conference content marketing with

"Content is king": the famous expression will be, more than ever, set in 2017. You want to get keys for you to invest and build an effective content strategy? Discover the first morning of the appointment LEW (Web Experts) with the intervention of Benoît Lamy Chapel, Head of sales and project Europe at

On the occasion of this breakfast you can learn more on the methodology, and the benefits of the tool happy director to accompany you. This Conference is designed to help businesses in their marketing and curation issues on a daily basis.

The first breakfast LEW conference will take place on Friday, March 31, 2017 at Lyon (limited to 30 participants)


9 h 00: reception & breakfast
9.30: Introduction by LEW (Anthony Rochand)
9 h 45: Intervention Benoît Lamy of the chapel Head of Sales Europe of

-Best practices a happy successful marketing
-Presentation of the tool content director

10 h 30: Questions and answers
11 H 00: end / Conclusion LEW

Registrations and reservations online exclusively on form WeezEvent (€15)

This conference will be filmed by our partner Prod Fiction (Emmanuel Pinto)

Bellona access plan:

Tram T1 Museum of Confluences / below of Pastor bridge / 100 m walk to the Museum of the confluence)
Anthony Rochand

Published by
Anthony Rochand

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